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Altered Hearts Fall 2010

At long last the Altered Hearts fall 2010 issue is in the DeviantScrap store!

Happy reading!


Where the Fiddlette is Christine?

If you haven't heard by now the very talented Christine Honsinger aka Fiddlette is debuting today at CatScrap!

It's such a joy to see her yummy designs in the store along side all the other wonderful designers. You'll find a whole bunch of familiar faces over there including Adelaide & Amelia, The Four Seasons, Frida, The Flitter Sweets and Steampunk Sue and Lulu too!

I am delighted for an excuse to spend more time over there. If you head off to the store right now you will find 20% off all Christine's designs and 25% off the delicious CatWalk Collection! I hope to see you there.

Have a happy day.


