Hello, my hope for this site is to create a place to share creative discoveries and and new ideas across a broad range of interests including but not limited to art, photography, fashion, gardening, interiors, etc.
I love all types of art from abstract to realism. I like to believe there is no such thing as bad art. Although I struggle with my own journey I can look at a piece of my artwork and instantly know exactly what was going on in my life and in the world when I created it. That's the magic of art, a picture really does speak a thousand words, even if it is only back to the person who created it.
I love all types of art from abstract to realism. I like to believe there is no such thing as bad art. Although I struggle with my own journey I can look at a piece of my artwork and instantly know exactly what was going on in my life and in the world when I created it. That's the magic of art, a picture really does speak a thousand words, even if it is only back to the person who created it.
My personal story starts in London, England where I was born. I never thought I would move away, but now I have, I cannot imagine living anywhere else. I'm still a Londoner at heart, but Los Angeles is now my home.
I work full-time at a job that I love and have a ten year old son, so apart from a few in-person classes, most of my art education comes from what I find on the internet. Sometimes I feel like I've struck gold and other times it's slow process and very hit-and-miss, but it's all okay.
Three things I'm eternally searching for includes 'my style', easy to prepare healthy meals that my son will eat and the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe. Life is full of contradictions!
If it sounds like we may have something in common stick around as I share my mistakes and discoveries. Subscribe by email to be the first to know of new posts and check out my Instagram feed HERE.
Finally, I want you to know I have been playing around with some affiliate links. If you click on one of these links and make a purchase from the site I may (or may not) get some sort of commission.
Thank you for reading this far and thank you for your support.